After the Annual General Meeting of 11th October 2015, an election was required to form a new Board of Directors, as there were more nominations received than there were vacant positions.
Elections were held on Sunday, 25th October 2015.
Polling was open from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Club premises and the Election Committee of FIVE (non-nominated) members were responsible to supervise and count the Ballot votes. Immediately after the conclusion of voting, counting occurred and the provisional results were declared verbally.
The nine of the eighteen nominated members that produced most votes, were elected to form the Board of Directors and the term they are to serve the "Panepirotic Union of Melbourne & Victoria Inc." is two years.
The top nine nominated members met on Wednesday, 4th November 2015 at the "Panepirotic Union" Premises (House) and all principal officers were elected by a plurality vote.
The new Board of Directors for the following two year term was formed as follows:
President: Daphne Hatzistavrou
Vice President: Bill Angelis
Secretary: Christos Ntostas
Assistant Secretary: Dimitri Tsitos
Treasurer: Efrosini (Effie) Trahanas
Assistant Treasurer: Bill Zotos
Public Officer & Public Relations: Con Vassiliou
Members of the Board: Spiros Tsatsis, Vasilios Mihopoulos